So Satisfied! Project Complete & New Knit Pattern Alert!
Jennifer Edwards Jennifer Edwards

So Satisfied! Project Complete & New Knit Pattern Alert!

This is the 1st official full episode of the Mixed Tape Fiber Arts Vlog, where we discuss all things Knitting, Crochet, Yarn, and Life. In this episode, I reveal the completed Go Go Dynamo Shawl, an MKAL by Stephen West. We take a look at the completed Knit Connection Blanket by Jennifer M Edwards of Mixed Tape Fiber Arts (That's right! That's me! and if you stay until the end there is a coupon code.). In what's up next we cover some pretty ambitious projects to complete, including a FOMO purchase. I'm going to make some knitting tutorials! Finally to round out the yarn adventures I tell you how I manage one of the most difficult aspects of the Knit Design process. Thanks for Being here with me for this episode! Don't forget to like and subscribe.

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