Tool, NIN, Danzig, Ministry... and a good chunk of grunge, and alternative. I'm willing to bet there are some artists in here you have never even heard of as well. This is just over 7 hours of what make up my most listened-to songs. This is Mixed Tape Fiber Arts - Mixed Tape!

So What Is Mixed Tape About Anyway?

This is an ever-growing eclectic space with many well-loved themes. Do you love just one type of music? Do you only watch one genre of movie? Of course not. These patterns may jump from themes of music to movies and then onto video games. This place is the ultimate eclectic fiber arts Mixed Tape. Hence…Mixed Tape Fiber Arts.

Also, as a proud card-carrying member (so says my state-issued ID) of Gen-X, the Mixed Tape was a HUGE part of my adolescence.  I mean, Mixed Spotify, Mixed YouTube, or Mixed iTunes just doesn’t have the same feel. Only the Mixed Tape required you to sit for hours by a tape recorder and hope the DJ didn’t talk over the beginning or end of the song you were trying to record. It took a level of dedication and time that simply doesn’t exist today, just like completing these patterns will take time and dedication. My hope is you will look back on your completed patterns by Mixed Tape Fiber Arts just like you would look back on an old school Mixed Tape, with pride and love and the desire to share it with the world around you. 

This is me and clearly, I have ALL the answers here. I’m wearing The Rainbow Knit Connection. My very first knit design.

I’m sure you may be wondering why I used “Mixed Tape” instead of “Mix Tape”. Frankly, there are a zillion businesses that use “Mix Tape” and the interwebz informed me that “Mixed Tape” is an acceptable alternative. Simple as that.