Crochet vs Knitting, Which is right for you?

Both Crochet and Knitting have regained popularity over the last few years. Both hobbies provide a therapeutic way to relax at the end of a stressful workday. It’s not just the mesmerizing, repetitive stitches that calm the nerves, but the feel of the yarn as it passes through your fingers and how you feel productive, while doing something completely fun at the same time. To top it off, when your project is done, you have created something from what seems like miles worth of yarn into a functioning item. Both can be solitary, or you may choose to join numerous online and local fiber groups that meet to lovingly “bitch and stitch”, which just means hanging out and having an amazing time with friends as you crochet or knit at the same time. Bonus, there are usually snacks! 

It can however be very overwhelming to know which hobby to jump into, so I’d like to provide some insight from someone who does both.  

1. Do you have a best friend or close family member that just can’t wait to teach you to their craft? If yes, take advantage of that one-on-one opportunity. The internet is fantastic. YouTube I’m sure has taught many many people both knitting and crochet. There is no substitute for someone personally guiding you through learning your new craft. You will quickly discover when you go online that you need hooks or needles, yarn (and there are so many types of yarn), and many other little items. Having someone to go shopping with you for your first items and be there to explain things to you will be priceless. This is not to say you can’t learn from the internet, I did! It just would have gone much smoother if someone had been by my side, other than my laptop. Your friend or loved one will be your cheerleader as well. Your laptop could care less when you finally have perfect tension on your yarn.  

2. What do you want to make? I want to preface this by noting you can make almost anything with both crochet and knitting. As you can see in this article’s header picture, the fabrics are different. There is a technique called Tunisian crochet which produces a knit-like fabric, but for the most part, crochet will create a lacier fabric with more gaps than that of knitting. I suggest doing a search online of what it is you think you would like to make in both knit and crochet. Which do you love? Go with that craft.  

3. Do you want to make socks? Creative, colorful, squishy socks seem to attract people like flies to honey (and I think that’s fantastic). If wearable socks that fit in your everyday shoes are your goal, then knitting is the hobby for you. I know in #2 I said you can make almost anything with both hobbies, and you can. If you love everything crocheted when you look online, then ignore this. You can crochet socks. Due to the nature of crochet, they will be a bit bumpy and slightly thicker, and this can bother people with sensitive feet. If you just love those unique handmade socks and that is what is attracting you to the hobby though, knitting is for you.  

4. Do you want to make old-school blankets like the 70’s never died? Crochet is your bestie! Granny squares and the classic zig-zag chevron dominated the backs of America’s sofas for many generations. The classic granny square blanket is made of crocheting individual squares that are then crocheted together into a large blanket. Today granny squares are used for not just blankets but for everything from market bags to clothing. Again, with the #2, granny squares are almost always crocheted. (I say this because the moment I say they are “always” crocheted someone will correct can try and duplicate any technique, but the classic granny square in my opinion is crochet.)  

5. Not a tip but a reality. You most likely will learn one, and then later (it may take years, but it will probably happen), learn the other. Many people who crochet also knit and those who knit, also crochet. Working with yarn is addictive and you will wake up one day and have 2 hobbies. 1. crochet or knitting and 2. collecting yarn. Trust me, collecting yarn is a separate hobby and it happens over time. You can’t stop it. Next, you will see patterns you love, but they belong over in camp knit or know the “other camp”. You will feel like you are cheating on your current camp but seriously you’re not. When the time comes just take your yarn and sneak over there and buy the hooks or needles and keep learning!  

That’s it. I know it’s a very short list of tips but frankly, you can do ANYTHING you want to accomplish. You will get frustrated. This is a new skill, and it will require you to concentrate at first and learn new fine motor skills and terminology. If you need a cheerleader, I’ll be here! Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook. You CAN DO THIS! I want to see your first messy, shrinking, and widening scarf (because your stitch counts are all off...we all do it at first). Take a ton of pictures so you can look back on how much progress you made and before you know it, you’ll be working on whatever that original goal piece was.  

#mixedtapefiberarts #knitting #crochet 


Patience & The Try, Try Again