Breaking Out In 2024! How The Marketing Gurus Were Wrong.

2023 – Where we Started

Mixed Tape Fiber Arts launched in June of 2023 as a place to make all your dreams come true. Who is you? You are the very specific audience consisting of the following: beginning/newer knitter or crocheter, between the age of 24 - 50, use value yarns over expensive materials, require handholding and easy stitches, and expect the Mixed Tape “theme” to be music based.  WELL…that is what all the MARKETING GURUS and advice websites told me at least. Those gurus and sites will be hereafter addressed as “They”.  They told me I needed to narrow down on all of those things so I did (and spent hours doing it), into what is supposed to be YOU.  Here is the problem, I have an eclectic nature. I am a Mixed Tape. I’m a whimsical mix of ideas and themes, as I suspect people are. They wanted to pigeonhole my ideas to fit these specifics, to keep me from wandering off course when I created the new business.

I have a message for THEY– GET OFF MY LAWN!

Mixed Taped Fiber Arts has “Fiber Arts” in the name for a reason. A Mixed Tape can have a dozen genres of music and hopefully, there are at least a couple of songs on your friend’s tape that you like. Mixed Tape Fiber Arts can have dozens of themes and a variety of yarns suggested and hopefully there is something you like. Yarn is the fiber that will hold our Mixed Tape together just like an eclectic mix of music held together my adolescent Mixed Tapes. I’m no longer compartmentalizing YOU.  YOU just be YOU and I’ll just be ME and THEY can shove right off. 

2024 – Where we are Going

Where is Mixed Tape going in 2024? Wherever whimsy leads. My hope is YOU are willing to check in now and then to see if something in the mix happens to catch your creative fancy now that we are all on the same page about just being who we are. I’m currently working on a throw-size variation of the Never Look Back pattern but it’s slow going. Additionally, I’ve been playing a lot of World of Warcraft (WoW), which provides its fair share of inspiration now that those pesky pigeonholes are gone. Who cares if you don’t know what WoW is.  If it inspires an amazing pattern you end up loving, THAT is what matters.  



What is a MKAL & is it for me?